

Masury, OH

United States

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About Me:
Married with 3 children and 3 grandkids. Enjoy golf, reading, oil painting, but especially playing with the grandchildren.

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  • Quinn

  • belle054

    Cheers Kittycat! Have a happy new year! xo

  • Red One

    Happy New Year to you and lar.

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Sweetness, do feel better soon! I so know how unhappy making a long "fuffy" can be. Hug
  • Quinn

    I'm always the last to know...

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Hi dear one! Feeling better I hope? I've been "fuffy" this week so I can commiserate. Sending along a big (((HUG))) !
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Good morning Kiitycat! So good to see you chipper again - thanks so for the lovely "happy" missive! Have a sweet wknd - both of you! xox
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Did you know Jan. 21 was National Hug Day?GO TO WARPEDCHERRY.COM


  • TeeBubbaDee

    Hi Kcat, Late hugs work just as good as new ones. Did you know yesterday was National Measure Your Feet Day?Delete Comment
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Hi, Hows it going? Is Larry behaving himself? Oh, never mind, I probably know the answer to that one. :-) Dee and I will be back in early March, and I am hoping we can get together. But it is going to be a hectic week. Dee will have to work at ST E's, and I have 3 different DR appts. One is at University Hosp. in Cleveland. There is a surgreon there that is SUPPOSED to be able fix "disaster" hernias. I am meeting him on the 9th, and if I really think he can do something for me, I will probably schedule with him in early June. That will give my niece time to line up another baby sitter, and for Dee to schedule some time off. I hate to give up my babysitting job, but the last time I wasn't allowed to pick up anything heavier than a half gallon of milk for the first 30 days. Good thing a can of beer isn't very heavy!!!!
  • Aggie

    Happy Anniversity! Don't forget size 36 pants!
  • Goldilocks46

    Early valentine!

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • George J. Evan

    Happy Valentine's Day

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Thanks KittyC, Not a real big deal. My mom will call, (if she remembers) my neice will call, if my stepdaughter calls, I probably won't answer, but Dee and I are planning on going out for dinner. There is a site called You can type in you zip code, and it brings up restaurants that offer online discounts. Normally a $25 gift certificate for $10, if you spend a total of $50. Not bad, huh? Well I also get online grocery coupons from They send a weekly newsletter with printable coupons. Well they sent one the other day that had a link to, and said to use a promo code. to get a better deal. The code is HEART, and when I went there the code is for a 80% discount. So a $25 certificate costs a whopping $2. We printed out a bunch last night because I don't know how long the promo code will be good. We even printed out a $10 certificate (have to spend a total of $20, but the thing cost .80 cents??? You guys should give it a try.
  • belle054

  • Callipyge

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Happy Valentine's Day dear one! Hope you are both having a lovely day!
  • caseyjo

    Hi Kittie Cat..Hope your Valentines Day was full of love. I watched "From Hell" & ate Mexican Food. What did you do for the day?
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Well were we not just Heman & Shera ?!!! Hahahaha! T'was grand - we must do this again sometime. SOON! Sleep over next time! Travel well! Kisses and nose wiggle and Kitty Cat ~ Larry is a very lucky bloke - and he knows it!!! Don't forget to come play in For Women Only ! Oh - and I called TSD in - he's got the day off! Well deserved, don't you think? MWAH! (I wiggled my nose;)
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    P.S. It's now 05:30 . I think I'll go to bed. The cake is in the fridge - pity you didn't have a cooler with you naughty peeps!!! You could have taken lunch with you!

    Road and learn!
  • caseyjo

    Red Ribbon
  • Goldilocks46

    I'm really enjoying following you and Larry on your journey! Stay safe and tell everyone Hi for us!
  • Goldilocks46

    Thanks, Kittycat!

    Friends (Click Me)
  • Kathy R

    You all are too much fun! Y'all be safe & I'll see y'all in Big D!
  • Aggie

  • Aggie

  • Aggie

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Wanna march in the parade with me?

    I gave Dee the hug, give larry a pat on the butt from me!!
  • TeeBubbaDee

  • realteal

    Hugs, Kittycat!

  • Chez moi

  • caseyjo

    PATTY'S DAY Pictures, Images and PhotosHi Kitty...Its always good to hear from you..Hope all is well now you are back from vacation...Whoo hoo....K
  • caseyjo

    A Ray Of Sunshine, You Bring Warmth To My Life. Forever A Friend. Pictures, Images and PhotosSunshine Kitty Pictures, Images and PhotosSunshine for Kitty
  • Goldilocks46

    Thank you for the Happy Birthday greeting, Kittycat! Love you too!!
    I hope this will be a good year for all of us!

    Thank You! (Click Me)
  • TeeBubbaDee

  • TeeBubbaDee

    How many extra quarters did you need?????
  • TeeBubbaDee

    You needed TWO rolls of quarters?????
  • Blou

    I have been enjoying your pictures!! I wish I would have had time to see more of them when I was in!! Hopefully, next time will be better planned.
  • Quinn

  • Aggie

    Happy Easter!
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Easter KCat!!

  • lynn

    thanks for reaching out! hope you guys had a great Easter with all the inlaws and outlaws!
    i'm off to Michigan next month to meet my new guy, wish me luck! i'm going by way of Toronto, else i'd stop and see you guys..... how's that road trip planning?
  • Ladyg

    I hope you had a wonderful day my friend

  • Aggie

  • Blou

    I haven't figured out how yet. I tried that pic as the profile pic but it wouldn't work. Then, I tried a really cool profile of John Lennon, which is smaller and it wouldn't work either!!!!!!! I'll figure it out soon!
  • Blou

    OH YEAH- I didn't realize you didn't know it was me**** DUH! Sorry!
  • kainsworth

    Thanks for the sweet wishes. :)
  • caseyjo

    You got new carpet. I just got new carpet in the living room & dining room a couple months ago.Wow...what a difference....I did what Dottie mentioned..I had a yard sale. I still have a bunch of stuff to get rid of I forgot to put out....I better have another sale soon or forget about it till next year..

    If you have a plastic mat under your computer chair..don't forget to vacuum under it every time you vacuum, or your carpet will mat up. If you dont have a plastic mat..get one. The mat under the carpet will shred from the rolling of the wheels without one....a friend of ours put our new carpet in and he was very generous about all the do's and don 'ts of new carpet...He's an x carpet man.....So how does it look?
  • caseyjo

    Your welcome Kitty
  • Blou

    Hi Carol,
    I hope all is well!!! Have a wonderful day!