Wayne L. Christensen


Pocatello, Idaho

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I have to many interests to explain here, but I can say I love to learn, so being open minded to new experiences and ideas are important to me. I don't really care for people who are shallow and self-centered, but realize that sometimes we all can become a little shallow and self-centered without knowing or meaning to. I like honesty, curiosity, and hate it when someone tells me they can't do something, which generally means they haven't tried, or won't try. I love loving, writing, art, photography, and just about everything else that deals with creativity. I am also comfortable in my own skin, although I do try to improve myself, and I love to be naked and free when I can.

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  • Zickbee

    Yes, I am looking forward to school. I am considering minoring in Geography - if I have the time. There are so many great classes I would love to take that aren't in my major and really wouldn't count toward anything. I love to learn!
  • thallygal

    Am still having problems weaving my way thru this TBD....thought that I had sent you a comment, but do not see...so will just send another...thank you for your comment on my poem...it is in the silence that the voice speaks to me...and these days there is not much silence in my head or in my heart...so the words do not some easily...
    hope you are having a good weekend filled with love and laughter
  • jan

    Thank you.
  • Getagroove

    Howdy, Wayne. We're friends now so remember the words of Uncle Ben to Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility."
  • Samaa Sax

    Deep wisdom to my new friend: Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them.
    by Mother Teresa
  • Tina

    Empowering yes Wayne, Every day I am alive, I win! Thank you much for your kind words and strong heart. Blessings, T
  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    You are most welcome... all lov e
  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    Victorious the hero returns from the wars, His brow bound with laurels that never will fade,
    While streams the free standard of stripes and of stars,
    Whose field in the battle the foeman dismayed.
    When the Mexican hosts in their fury came on,
    Like a tower of strength in his might he arose,
    Where danger most threatened his banner was borne,
    Waving hope to his friends and despair to his foes!

    The soldier of honor and liberty hail!
    His deeds in the temple of Fame are enrolled;
    His precepts, like flower-seeds sown by the gale,
    Take root in the hearts of the valiant and bold.
    The warrior's escutcheon his foes seek to blot,
    But vain is the effort of partisan bands--
    For freemen will render full justice to SCOTT,
    And welcome him home with their hearts in their hands.

    Author: George Pope Morris [More Titles by Morris]
    (Written upon the return of General Scott from his brilliant Mexican campaign.)
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Colette

    So sorry for not being in touch!! My Dad had open-heart surgery - been practically living at the hospital!!! I'll be back in touch soon!!!!! I miss you!!!
  • Tina

    Happy Thursday Wayne, May your Thursday be filled with the awesomeness, wonders, brilliance and beauty of color, Blessings, T
  • Tina

    You make alot of sense Wayne on many issues. I am excited to hear your voice in the new group..blessings, T
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    Just checkin!
  • Samaa Sax

  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    You welcome my dear friend..
    God bless your kids and all the kids everywhere..
    I am glad that I made my freinds happy, and I will do it again...
  • Tina

  • Tina

    "Being Indian is an attitude, a state of mind, a way of being in harmony with all things and all beings. It is allowing the heart to be the distributor of energy on this planet; to allow feelings and sensitivities to determine where energy goes; bringing aliveness up from the Earth and from the Sky, putting it in and giving it out from the heart." - Brooke Medicine Eagle
  • Tina

    The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
    This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is known that true peace, which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.

    Black Elk - Oglala Sioux
  • Samaa Sax

    about love... "Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, And finds in your presence that life is worth while, So when you are lonely, remember it's true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you."
  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.
    by Kahlil Gibran
  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    Love Will Borrow Every Sorrow

    Kindness if you show
    Faces will glow
    To love if you know
    You can receive any blow
    You may be very slow
    But if efforts steadily flow
    Victory will never say “no’
    Your life will not go low
    In life you will grow
    Solving others’ sorrow
    Creating a peaceful tomorrow
    If your mind is not narrow
    And if your knowledge is thorough
    You will become a hero
    Making hundred starting from zero.

    by MV.Venkataraman

  • Tina

  • Tina

    Dear Wayne, You are thought of today, hoping you and yours are contented and well, Blessings, Tina

  • Tina

  • thallygal

  • Tina

  • Tina

    (hhehehehehe) not so me huh! I could not resist!
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    To A wonderful Man, A friend, A good spirit, May your day be filled with happy celebration of being uniquely YOU....

  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

  • Tina

  • Tina

    ‘Never give up’: A poem by the Dalai Lama

    ”No matter what is going on
    Never give up
    Develop the heart
    Too much energy in your country
    Is spent developing the mind
    Instead of the heart
    Be compassionate
    Not just to your friends
    But to everyone
    Be compassionate
    Work for peace
    In your heart and in the world
    Work for peace
    And I say again
    Never give up
    No matter what is going on around you
    Never give up. »
  • Tina

  • Wayne L. Christensen

    Thank you Tina for your kind words and inspiration. I don't mean to negligent in my writing in return----I am well, but busier than hell with multitude of tasks still to do. Still, I thought I would take but the briefest of moments to tell you---Thank You!
  • Rishi

    me too! really!
  • Rishi

    Thanks for the friendship! Rishi
  • Rishi

    The lightest heart lives the longest!