Bob C.


Durham, NC

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • BrenS

    Thought we could be friends, but then I saw that Duke thing---just kidding, but I do have a daughter at Carolina, so we can just agree to disagree on some things!

    Thanks for the add.
  • Cheryl Ann

    Thanks for the friend add! Where in Durham? My mother still lives there, I'll be going down for a visit next weekend. I 'spose I can see past the Dook aspect. ;) I've had daughter is dating a Duke fan. (where did I go wrong??? LOL) ~Cheryl
  • Cheryl Ann

    Yup, I know approximately where you are. I moved to northern VA about 7 years ago, and now every time I come back to Durham I freak out with all the "newness" of 15-501 in that area! The first time I went that way I actually passed the exit! My mother lives near the old South Square Mall (I miss that place!), near Garrett Road. I (and my oldest daughter) actually graduated from Jordan High. I may take you up on that coffee, but perhaps my next time down, which will be often as my youngest daughter will be going to Elon at the end of August.

    The 27 years I spent in Durham I never thought I'd every say I'd miss it, but I do. :( Dookies nibble where they are told? You sure they don't need a map?? ;) ;)

    Have a great weekend!
  • Abby

    Thanks Bob. I did not know I had all these comments on my page!! Blame it on my Navy background!! LOL. I hear you abotu life being too short not to stop and kiss!!!! I am way behind in that department.
  • rosiebabie

    I loved your comment on what kind of lover you are. Very sweet.
  • rosiebabie

    Are you always such a tease?
  • rosiebabie

    There you go again!
  • Karen Bear

    shake it up!!! have a good weekend, Bobo!

  • Rita D

    Consider this a smoke signal. I'm doing fine!! Hope all is well and happy in your world. Send me a PM if you want!! Smile!!!
  • Karen Bear

    thanks for thinking of me! God bless you, my friend! Hope to see you soon!

  • Carmen Diane Bailey

  • catwoman

    thinking about you

  • Carmen Diane Bailey

  • Fanny

    Brightest Blessings........Happy Thanksgiving Bob xoxoxoxoxoxo
  • Deelicious

    Hey Happy Turkey Day -long time no chat- hope you are well!!! Dee
  • Karen Bear

    Hope yours is a Happy friday! XOXOXOXO

  • belle054

  • Karen Bear

  • catwoman

  • Fanny

    Ho ho hooo! I am dancing Santa Claus and I have a wish for you. Watch my dancing Santa video card at
  • Karen Bear

    just poppin in to say hi and Merry Christmas!

  • Rita D

    Thanks for the cute comment! ((HUGS))
  • Anna Leigh McKenzie

    Thanks and Merry Christmas to you as well.
  • Fanny

    xoxo Robin
  • Rita D

    Thank you for the lovely was very sweet of you to think of me...
  • belle054

  • belle054

    Thanks Bob.....Happy New Year! xo
  • Karen Bear

  • belle054

    Happy New Year! xo

  • SunnyDay

  • catwoman

  • Malibu Dee

  • belle054

    Thanks Bob! Have a great weekend! xox

  • Karen Bear

    Hey Bob, how are you?