Ellen Martin


Woodbury, NJ

United States

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  • Ellen Martin

    Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
  • Aggie

    Just because
  • jan

    I'm so glad, Ellen. Anytime I can help, just ask.
  • Chris Del Regno

    Hi Ellen,
    Thanks for the keeping in contact. My granddaughters both were diagnosed with H1N1 swine flu, were both sick with fevers for a couple of days, and are now fine. My wife was the same way - sick for a couple of days, now fine. Me? So far I've not had any symptoms. I'm becoming convinced I'm among those folks who were alive in 1950, when the last deadly strain of swine flu hit the nation, who are protected by having been exposed at that time, so are protected now. The statistics bear this out as only 6% of all Americans hospitalized due to H1N1 are age 65 or older. Let's hear it for us old folks!!!!