



Profile Information:

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About Me:
Here for a good time - hopefully this time - its a long time!

Comment Wall:

  • Ralph

    Hi Beau , well looks it is a new home to continue our Friendship, thanks for telling me about this site.

  • Mary

    Beau.....Bear set up group Invisibles
    click on my page and then group
    go from there to join
  • Dennis Alan

    Just seeing you and reading your words is a good time for me.
  • Jimdb30

    hey Beau, where are my type of pics
  • Ralph

    Hi Beau, how are you doing this wonderful Day , enjoy it to the fullest.
  • Bob C.

    Good morning, Beau! Thanks for the add -- have a GREAT and passionate day!
  • rosiebabie

    Hi, We haven't met, I know, but of course I've seen you around here and I enjoy reading your posts. I'm confused about what's going on in sex talk. I don't need to know any details but just know that I am a good friend if you need one and I for one do not like the return to Jr. High that seems to be taking place. I'm around if you want to chat. Rosie
  • belle054

    Have a great day my lovely friend. xo
  • Amanda T. Wills

    Thanking you kindly for the add Beau-merci beaucoup! Looking forward to good times! Smiles. A.
  • MikeMoff

    I love your photos! All of them! Especially the one where you are topless (in your Z4)!
  • Twixt the Sheets

    Did it get pinker in here?
  • Ralph

    Hi Beau rise and shine a beautiful new day awaits you :-)
  • Mary

  • Twixt the Sheets

    Hey Beau, check out that PM I sent you about 5 minutes ago...

    Thanks for the friendship little lady!........ :)
  • Rita D

    Hi there! I'm Gregg Childress's fiance! This message is from Gregg-- he asked me to tell you that he was thinking of you and hopes you are well. He hopes to be online soon. He's not very happy being without his friends so long. Have a great day!
  • Twixt the Sheets

  • belle054

    You were awesome today!! ((( hugs )))

  • Ruby Red Crystal

    Thanks for the Kudos, they were great appreciated. I don't know all the details but I know everyone deserves their moment of praise.
    Thanks again.
  • Beau

    Could say the same about you and the judge but - I just did. Where did you come from anyway - you joined TBD long after the rest of us so what makes you so knowledgable about MZ Dee -ceiver?
  • Beau

    Really - you whipped off that judge robe pretty quick!
  • John

    Thanks so much Beau, it's nice to be welcomed. So just point me in the right directions . . . .
  • John Dalhouse

    enjoyed the pics! nice car!
  • belle054

    Thanks Beau! He was very good! lol