Lily Roth


Stewartsville, NJ

United States

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Taking the next step....

Kahlil Gibran on Love

When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden

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  • Bill

    Thank you for the comment! :) Yes, I do like koans. They're fun to play with. ;)
  • Kennedy Parker

    I see Bob D.. on your he a part of your world?
  • Kennedy Parker

    Three of musics greatest ledgends all in one night...I seen Dylan a few years back, and
  • Kennedy Parker

    ''contined''-- was inpressed by his lyrics...I will have to make a point to see him again....Have a great day...K
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Ma'am, I hail from Wyoming, where the men are men and the sheep are nervous. Goat Schtupping is a step up for this boy...
  • Chamath

    Love your nature Haiku.

    Here's Groucho for you:
    Man: Jennings is waxing wrath Sir!
    Groucho: Well, let Roth wax Jennings for awhile.
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Yep, I grew up in Wyoming (The Equality State, btw - Montana is Big Sky), and was never so glad to leave a place in my life! Nope, not a cowboy - one of the three hippies in the whole state, I think, back in the early 70's. You can't tell from my baldness now, but when I had a (semi) full head of hair, it was wavy when it was long, just like yours. I had to keep it tied back so I wouldn't look like Bozo with brown hair.

    Thanks for your compliment on the girls - 16 & 14 - Dad's got his hands full! At least the boyz haven't come sniffing around yet, but it's just a matter of time. They are great kids - I am blessed.

    Where do you hide your haikus? I love haiku. Is an author of haiku a Hai-Ku-Ku?
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Beautiful haiku. I lived in the woods for a number of years and have recently heard that whisper...
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    You are too kind. Thank you.

    What else have you written? You obviously have the talent.
  • Kennedy Parker

    Miss Lily...
    Thanks for acepting my invite...,
    May you render the day awe Kennedy
  • larry kremis

    Thank you gorgeous. How does that happen? Isn't it just a random thing to have your pic on the front page?
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Yes, ma'am, I DO belong to a lot of groups. I'm a hedonist from the getgo and am finishing up a new sauna in my basement.
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Other than high school english, I have had no formal training either. But I work a lot of crossword puzzles to enlarge my vocabulary, and I try and write every day, whether journal, poem, blog, or whatever...
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Hmmm...should I get a room? I mean a chat room?
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    I think I figgered out how the chat thing works. Can you add a line in the box on the bottom?
  • Jack Z

    Thank you Lily for the comment, I have a very good agent..... Stay tuned to see my pretty face again, coming soon on tbd posts...........
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    How about the little guy in the bottom right-hand corner of the main or green? If it's red, click it to green.
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    We can take it to Yahoo...
  • larry kremis

    I'll stay out of your underwear drawer if you stay out of mine. lol
    I better not say anything else about your drawers and my drawers.
  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!
  • UVA__

    Lmao, you're so welcome, you are too kind and I must thank you for saving me a piece of that
    delicious cake, that was very nice of you, glad you enjoyed it.

    Take Care

  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Yeah, I bet you would like a poke back, eh?
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Wednesday! My turn to poke you!
  • Aggie

    Aggie smile!
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Yeah, I miss you, but my aim's gettin' better...
  • Aggie

    It has been a pleasure.

    Aggie flowers!
  • funesthememorious remembered my birthday! Thank you so much.
  • brujo

    who doesn't?
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Were you able to get a help ticket filed?
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    I saw your haiku. Yummy!
  • Red One

    I have had a crush on Stevie Nicks for years. My all time favorite group is Fleetwood Mac.
  • Red One

    I've got a lot of their CD's When I feelin' down I put them on and crank up the volume.
  • Jerr

    "points" and giggles- - - - - does this mean your gonna stop rejecting me, or is that just another on of those woman things???? LOL
  • ZenDog

    I've never read October Country by Ray Bradbury. Thanks for the recommendation!
  • Maricel Evasco

    Lily, thank you for the compliments. I really admire your creativity too. I can't wait to read your saucy contribution to Kennings- Unchained Prose. lol This should be interesting.

    I'm still trying to figure out your occupation or educational background. You play with words very nicely.
    ~ Mari
  • Fractalac Non-linear

    Where ya been, LilyRoth?
  • deaduncle

    Well very nice to meet you, and thank you for introducing me to Marmalade some times first time introductions can get so Hard. ;)
  • Angharad

    You're so very welcome, Lily...I like everything I know about you. Your out there, feisty, Greek/Irish spirit; your no holds barred sexuality...kindred spirits, we, I think. Kydos! (Can't make the dumb accent circumflex with this keyboard.)
  • alpal

    :) thank you!
  • Rita D

    Hi Lily! I'm relaying a message from Gregg. He misses you and hopes to be online soon. He doesn't have access to a computer at this time but as soon as I move in, he will. But anywho, he says hello and hopes to connect again soon.
    Hope all is well.
  • Tom Currier

    hi liyl..guess i am lurking like you..:)
  • Charlie

    Just a great smile and wonderful stuff on your profile

    Can i be your friend?
  • Charlie

    yes stay cool as well and keep your smile going

    hugs to ya
  • Mark F

  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!
  • brujo

    What's going on?
  • idrisyaprak

  • larry kremis

    Don't be a stranger. I miss you when you're not around, especially in the Q&A
  • ZenDog


    Well, Maricel did say no Macbeth type, blood bubbling hexes, and that just doesn't seem fair . . . I mean, after all, it is Halloween . . .
  • metub4

    it is the kindof day that ya want to make of it
    hope yours is beautiful