Jim Best


Nashville, TN

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • mskat

    hi jim
    great looking pic
  • Billy Bones

    Really funny joke!
  • Krisit

    Hi Jim thank you for the response on the Online Dating Group. Thank you for inviting me to be your friend...:)
  • Lilly DelValle

    Thank you for you friend request. I sent you an email but I'm not sure if it went through. Anyway, I look forward to becoming close TBD friends
  • Krisit

    Hi Jim...just stop by to say Hi. I hope you are going to add more comments to our online dating group. We enjoy everyones feed back..if not it is okay..Hope you had a nice weekend.
  • Krisit

    I didnt see your comment about my shepherd. I will try and load the picture tonight.