Mark Mentzer


Palm Harbor, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Join my discussion group on Left Wing Politics:
And my discussion group on The Beat Generation:

I'm an Animator & Website Designer. Portfolio:

Check out the animated tour of 4MediaGraphics.

I'm very creative & this is my hobby too. It's fun to make a living doing what you like.. I invite others who may be interested in talking to get in touch.

If you are in need of a website contact me.


Search for Mark Mentzer and send friend request to the the same picture as here.

I am divorced for 7 years. I have 3 gorgeous daughters and a wonderful kitty.

Comment Wall:

  • Arthur Schroeck

    Thanks for the friendship.
  • Sonia Novick

    Namaste Mark thanks for the Ad as a friend,
    I am so glad you requested me as one of you’re friends here on TDB, thanks for the friends request!!!

    Top Add Comments Graphics

    May your days be blessed with all you desire becoming manifest….

    From Your Multidimensional Coach and Mentor
    Sonia Novick
    Join Get updates on current radio shows on my main Web Site:

    PhotobucketBeyond the Living-OBE Radio Show"
  • Grace Linda

    Checked out the old site and you are still gathering friend on there. LMAO
  • BrenS

    Thanks for the add!

    Have a great day.
  • UVA__

    Hello Mark
    Just dropping by to wish you a great 4th ;)

  • Naidre ~ Wild Tide

  • nina

    Hey there! Thanks for the ad!
    Have a great day!
  • ZenDog

    Hey Mark. Thanks for the links. I'm in. I intend to read up on the beat movement a bit, it's something that as yet I haven't gotten my head around really, although it may prove that some of my stuff qualifies, not sure.

    Thanks man.
  • LyndaAndLab

    Suddenly I feel a kind of vulnerability towards you. But I'm glad you know. I have never written what I lived through for 14-15 years. Hell, my husband knew something... but he didn't know what. But once you're trained in the ways of a victim, you know what to do - especially if you're very young. It's as if a scarlet V is displayed on your forehead and those men, the men who know how to read victim, spot you right away. I was raped by a college friend right before I started dating my husband. Despite a OB-GYN confronting me in front of Mark about obvious signs/scars of very early and frequent sexual abuse, I shrugged my shoulders, looked her straight in the eye and told her I had no idea what she was talking about. In my mid-thirties I crashed and began 8 years of therapy. Some things are just broken. But you know right from wrong. Mark and I raised our kids the way we planned, they never knew a moment of fear of us, frustration at groundings maybe. They were awakened in the middle of the night and carried into the backyard to hoot back and forth and a huge old owl. Child abuse, sexual abuse, to me is a choice. You know your past. You can get help long before parenting is in the picture. And that;s what I did. The ugly legacy of sexual, emotional, psychological abuse, and torture - not to mention the one night he actually tried to kill me, ended with me. Everyone has a choice.
  • LyndaAndLab

    Mark, I was no older than 4 when the sexual abuse began, and by that age I had already figured out the household ranking order. There was Dad/G-d, followed by Mom/Lynda/David. Mom had no more power than I did, and I had already figured it out.
  • Amanda T. Wills

    Thank you kindly for the request. I adore your sense of humor! Great stuff! Smile.
  • Honey Holiday

    Beautiful girls! And such a clever Daddy! (smile) Love the strip... clever....
  • LyndaAndLab

    Hi Mark,
    I wanted you to know I haven't been hiding - I've been off-line pretty sick with a lupus flare, but I'm feeling better and wanted to check in and say "hello".
  • LyndaAndLab

    I have been visiting "The Beat Generation" - what would you suggest for me to read on my own on the subject?
  • Caroline Gutierrez Abreu

    Hello, Mark! It is nice to "meet" you, and thanks for adding me... you have humor and smarts, two of my favorite traits in a guy! ;-)
  • LyndaAndLab

    Thanks for the sending me in the right (but politically left) direction. Your daughters are adorable, you can see personality in every picture.
    You know, Mark, you are truly a sweetheart of a guy - especially for someone as popular and in demand as you are.
    I'm really glad we became friends. Lynda
  • joli szabo

    Hi! Thanks, you are my friend!
  • Ágica

    Thanks for the invitation to be friends. I appreciate it. Have a beautiful day !

  • OCNaturalDoc

    glad you found me! can't wait to see what you'll write/inspire next. :-)
  • Amanda T. Wills

    I could not agree with you more Mark! Keep laughing, smiling and forging ahead, my friend! Smiles to you! A.
  • Fay

    Thanks for the invite Mark! I like your work and the pics. of your darling girls are beautiful.
  • Sunday Driver

    Thank you Mr. Mentzer for your invite. I look forward to joining your group. You have quite a lovely family.
  • Michael J Masiko

    Yo Mark, always good to meet the likes of creative ilk. I dig it. Anticipating more of Your artistry.
  • Tina

    Happy Monday Mark, Live Well, Tina
  • Darkhairblueeyes

    Isnt my granddaughter precious? ...and she thinks all my jokes are funny too...LOL
  • Raelein MB Haley

    I take it the pictures are of your daughters. They're beautiful.

    You invited me to join your group. I already joined quite awhile ago. :)

    I hope this finds you doing well. I've been on this computer all day and evening. Time for me to shut it down for the day. Hope to talk with you soon. -Raelein
  • FluffySnoww

    Really? What was the last name of your ex-wife's family? Wouldn't that be wild if I knew them? hahaha
  • FluffySnoww

    I'm sorry, I don't know any Levanthals. How are you today?
  • LyndaAndLab

    Hey Mark,
    How are you doing? And where are you doing it? I loved the Palin Poetry - called my husband, Mark, up to hear it, and we are both going to start following her on twitter. Also loved the Liberal-Conservative test that Mark Foote (there sure are a lot of Marks around here) put up, aren't you going to take it? You are the guide of the group, I really think you should weigh in on the discussions, unless... Are you a secret Conservative?!
  • Mark Mentzer

    Hi Linda, I took the quiz that Mark put up and, like you, I'm 100% liberal. I'm proud as can be.
  • Mark Mentzer

    Whoops! Sorry Lynda, I spelled your name wrong.
  • LyndaAndLab

    After screwing up last night and considering staying off-line till next week, I have to ask you: Do I still need to write my problem with Ning out on a discussion form, or will sending out to 117 members of the group be good enough?
  • Fiorella

    Thank you...
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Mark dear . . . I too am a group creator/admin. Click on your discussion edit feature. You can show up to 20 (the max) at one time - go look at my "For Women Only" to see. Better to show the max - people participate faster as they peck and hunt for what is on the go . Trust me. Go. See. Change. 20 to the MAX! Open your RSS feed too - to 20 max.
  • LyndaAndLab

    Hello, It's time for a new discussion. Remember what Friday nights used to mean to you? A long, long time ago? The healthy young, last moment of innocence you? Or the 8 year-old you who was going to marry Bobby Sherman? Did you wish your mom went to work so Mary Poppins could work at your house? Collect your imagination, bring your smile, and come join the discussion at Health Issues & Disabilities. 'Cause this, you can do!

    & Elliot
  • Tina

    May the whole world come to peace Mark. Don't give up please...
  • Tina

  • Mae

    Hi there, thanks for the friendship.
  • Tina

  • Tina