Justin Chance


Los Angeles, CA

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Bronwyn

    Now where were we... Oh, yea... I asked if I could have your profile pic.
  • Bronwyn

    I'll send you an email address... but I'd prefer not to post it out loud on this wall! I'll try "inbox" - and look forward to hearing from you.


    And forgive me if I seemed flip. I was going for charming and funny... Was happy to see your familiar moniker and gorgeous image on here! Looking forward to chatting.
  • annangel

  • wee soozy

    Thank You !!
  • wee soozy

    Yes...as a matter of fact I do...
  • wee soozy

    Tell me what sort of landscape you prefer....Mountains, lakes, fields?? Or does it matter?
  • C Raine Zima

    Hi.. your's is quite intriguing and mysterious.... r u dangerous.. lol. Raine
  • wee soozy

    Ok sounds good !!
  • CJ

    Well thank you kindly for the welcome. Now as soon as I find a tutorial, I'll be one happy camper. :-)
  • Tina

  • wee soozy

    Right now my world is upside down....darn it !!! I think I need a vacation.....
  • wee soozy

    I'm working on that ...
  • Marti

    Thanks, Justin! I am happy to be back among friends, old and new, on TBD. I left in a hurry and have missed everyone so much. Feels like a family reunion to be back again.
  • isobell

    magical Justin..love your paintings..have a fantastic eye for composition and colors..love number 4..awesome..hugs,
  • Tina