

Butler, PA

United States

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  • Cat

    Fluffy! I'm so happy you found us! Welcome to the new place.
  • Darby

    yes, thank you though sometime a bit naughty , ha ha
  • Greg Forte

    Hope you have a great week
  • Greg Forte

    I know it's not your birthday just wanted to send the flowers
  • Rob Donnelly

    Av=ctualy nor feeling to bad actualy went training yesterday only light stuff then off for a week in Portugal today.
    Itsa hard life buts somebodys gotta do it LOL
    No its my anual vacation and by god i need the break
  • Darby

    and how are we today ? fine i hope.
  • Darby

    thank you so much love for your compliment ,it's lovely to hear from you look forward to more ,
  • Jim Jacobs

    Butterflies Comments

    I have spent my day visiting my son Matt, and downloading video music to my blackberry. We cleaned our pool and right now he and my wife are swiming. It is 7pm and about 98 degrees. To hot for this ole boy. I have put a new design into my profile on the hill, and am still working it. Well, I Hope your evening is pleasant. I bid you very pleasant evening, my dear friend. James

  • Darby

    hiya love nice to hear from you, yes I'm fine!and what about are you ready to face the day,go get em girl lol what is it you do do for a living? hairdresser,something arty yes,anyway tell me all about it and what makes you tick ha ha, shall i try find you a little pic? lets see what i have in my box, oh yes this one should do the trick , x
  • Jim Jacobs

  • Darby

    3 guesses eh number 1 first guess ,do you have to ware a uniform to work?
    anyway i didn't get the rest of that message that could have given a clue, so i await with baited breath Ha HA HA
  • sd clubber

    Great! How are you?
  • Jim Jacobs

    myspace comments

    It is 4am, Sleepless in Sacramento for me. I awoke to hear the welcome sound of the winds blowing. I went out in the early morning night and looking up at the starry sky, I watched as clouds raced across the night sky, in little patches. Catching light from the city lights, they seemed to almost glow. It was comfortably cool and I loved it. Being an outdoors type of person, I enjoy such things.

    I hope your Thursday is a great one James

  • Jim Jacobs

  • Jim Jacobs

    Today I am grabbing graphics for a Fairies slide show I will make. I will have a huge amount of pictures to a musical background much like the Fairy Dance song video I have downloaded for my Blackberry. It is so enchanting to watch and listen to.
  • Darby

    2nd guess you work in a shop,(store)
  • sd clubber

    very good...winding down...Friday's off so grateful that the weekend has arrived!
  • Jim Jacobs

    Masonic gold rush

    GOLD! That was the cry that launched the largest invasion of people for years. I am planning a trip to the high desert of Califorina, where the gold rush was very active in the mines that dot the mountains in the area near Bridgeport, CA.

    Gold Mine

    I hope your day is going as lovely as mine. The tempture today is about 84 and a light breeze. I am very excited about my plans to visit the remains of another old gold mine. I research and then locate on different maps which include Topo. I then plug in the GPS routing to get me up the myrid of dirt roads and canyons and hills to the site. It is often difficlult due to the condition of the trails. Most are suitable only for four-wheel drive.

    My target this trip is the old Paramount Mine. It was not as large as the Chemung Mine, which Linda and I photographed last Novemebr, but it still has a few remains. I love the peace and solitude of the mountains. Being on the very ground the was once bustling with the activity of mining for gold makes it more enjoyable. Often the story or history is very interesting. There are not anything like tour guides, facilities and gift shops. Just the real thing as it was a hundred years ago. I do enjoy the small risk in getting there to. I am keeping my eye on the thunderstorms predected in the areas that I plan to travel.

    your wandering friend, James Jacobs

  • Darby

    oh it obvious ,hotel staff, yes? and wheres my other half gone lol, half of letter whats the world coming to, oh by the way I ju
  • Jim Jacobs

    I will be posting photos and some information when I get there and back. If my blackberry has range might get some live feed to facebook which is on my blackberry. In any case I do send and receive messages from facebook through my blacknerry. I will keep you posted. Hopefully will get some exciting cloud shots in the afternoon.
  • Mark Mentzer

    Their last name was Leventhal.
  • David Norman

    Thanks for your comment, send me email to dnorman40@yahoo.com tell me about your self.

    Have fun
  • Jim Jacobs

    Butterflies Comments
    I Hope you have a great day. Yestreday we were driving a total of about 14 hours as we went looking for the location of an old mine five hours south of here. We did visit Bodie, CA and Bridgeport. We checked into the ranger station to get any additional information. Few even heard of the old mine Finially we got inforamtion on the rough road going back into the mine and we began our search. We found very little left of this mine, called the Paramount, but saw other "tailings" along our trip.

    The trip had its problems as my gps failed on me and my backup did not function enough to pinpoint our whereabouts in the desolate hills of the high desert. To make matters worse, I ran low on gas and when I stopped to use my spart gas can, a five gallon plastic can, it malfunction and the spout would not allow the fuel to pour. I had used this safety spout before and knew how to use it. I finally dissasembled the spout and got the fuel into our tank and we had lunch in a quiet grove o trees.

    We continued on searching into the late afternoon when a thunderstorm became a threat to us, so Linda and I had to abandon our search. The mine was not going anywhere and we will try again to locate it later. We out ran the thunderstorm that was blowing in with lighting strikes and wind. By sundown I had made my way back out of the wilds and onto the main highway (395).

    We did see and photograph and antelope and a gorgeous sunset. I was starved because our luch had been light so we stopped at the Topaz Lodge and I had a big steak and all was better. Our trip home was a pleasant summer drive int the Sierra Nevadas from Nevada to Sacramento, Ca. I have to add that we crossed the state line between Ca and Nevada on the journey.

    Hope your weekend has been pleasant.

  • Patrick J. Smalling

    Hi Fluffy, thanks for the note. I am doing well. Hope you are as well. It's nice to meet you. Have a great day.


    thank you honey for becoming one of my friends. have a good week love
  • Jim Jacobs


    Hi just getting my mail out and wanted to say hello to my friend. James

  • Darby

    good morning fluffysnowwywooywoo I'm using your full name as i feel it only polite to do so ha ha
  • Patrick J. Smalling

    Good morning Fluffy..I am doing well today. How are you? Where are you located? ....
  • Patrick J. Smalling

    Hey Fluffy. Pa. huh? I am down in Maryland. Churchton to be exact. Its about 20 minutes south of Annapolis. Near the water. It was hot as hell yesterday but today is rainy and in the 70's. What do you do for a living?
  • Darby

  • Darby

    bye zee bye for today theres something wrong with my postings todays it just keeps cutting out
  • Jim Jacobs

  • sd clubber

    oops..haven't been on for a while...sorry you had to work...didn't do too much...sunning by the pool, hanging out...and look here it is the weekend again...
  • Darby

  • Patrick J. Smalling

    I am a retired DC Firefighter who is now enjoying a second career in security. I work for the Dept. of State. I love it. I have been fortunate to work in fields that I really enjoy..I think I told you but I am not sure but I live in Churchton MD., which is about 30 minutes south of Annapolis and a couple hours from OC. I was supposed to get down there at the end of this month but unfortunately, my wife died in June. Trying to get back to normal but its hard sometimes...Getting stronger every day.
  • Darby

    Good morning fluffysnowywooywoo hope your well,
  • Darby

    Your question What's shaking today? my answer wouldnt you like to know hehehehe, anyway hope your keeping well even though you stood me up lol
  • Patrick J. Smalling

    Hey Fluffy, thanks for the warm thoughts and support. Been a very trying experience to say the least. Anyway, A lot of my work is classified so cant share alot but Its mostly to do with physical security...I love it. the people are great and the work is very rewarding. ..
  • Jim Jacobs

    Hi it is Friday morning and I am just getting started with my day. I had the pleasure of contacting my mother in Lincoln Arkansas. She was delighted to hear from me. She is having surgery today. Theree lumps in breasts. She is eighty but still sounds younger. I havent been in touch because she had re-married, moved and I had moved once when I bought this house. My son located her for me after several years. It was very emotional for me to talk with her after nearly giving up trying to locate her. We had a great visit. I plan to get her a les Paul music cd. She said she would love it. I remember her singing many of the songs to me as a young child.

    My feelings of joy for finally finding her and shame for not keeping in better touch are keeping me in a sort of limbo now. Maybe I can ground my self out. Take to the man above. Hugs and love my friend. James

  • Jim Jacobs


    It is another beautiful Sunday morning. I am rested up and already looking for a new adventure. This time it will be to travel to Viringa City, Nevada and ride the steam train there. It has just extended it's run to Carson City. It will be a old west fun trip. Your wondurlust friend, James Jacobs

  • Jim Jacobs

    Hot Comments
    In the wilderness, you'r never alone. James J
    Thanks for the note, I plan to go there later on when the rug rats are back in school and the air is crisp and cool in the high desert. That is the time to visit Carson City or any of the high desert. Hugs, James
  • Greg Forte

    Well two out of three anit bad

    myspace comments
    Get MySpace Comments without leaving myspace!
  • Patrick J. Smalling

    Hey Fluffy..well physical security is the protective features that a building would receive to remain safe enough for its employees to work in. Such as concrete barriers, optimal lighting where needed to ensure safety, mechanical barriers to keep non-government vehicles out of parking areas, etc. etc..thats ort of thing..Hot up thre huh? Hot down here as well. I like the sun though so its a good thing..hope you're well. I just a crown put on last week so I can relate..lol Take care.

  • Jim Jacobs

    Hello, thank you for the nice note. I think that your very special,and hope that you have a very peaceful evening. I am going through a bit of worry at this time over my mother. I will get back to my wilderness later, after I find out how bad her cancer is. James

  • Darby

    hello it's me!
  • Jim Jacobs

    Hi My mom's doing ok. She is not going to do the operation yet due to the stroke her husband had last week. I am doing ok. Working on the family room, train layout. Trying to decide how to proceed with the reconstruction of the layout. Hope your have a great weekend, James.

  • Darby

    sorry to disappoint you ha I'm still around lol only joking, hows you ? have you missed me hehe
  • Maricel Evasco

    Hi there.
    I posted something about you in the group Online Dating which I think you'll appreciate. Please feel free to contribute. =-)