Raelein MB Haley


Mahomet Illinois

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am a person who's interested in a lot of things. Music, all kinds of art, writing, reading, dancing, family, God. I am a Christian, and I take my faith seriously, though am not crazed about it. I believe in God, I go to Church, I read the Bible, but am open to people who have other beliefs. I''m married with 2 grown children, and my first grandchild - a girl - is 19 and a half months old now. She is the light of my life! I have a good sense of humour, am a caring person, and a good listener. And I'm still taking guitar lessons, and am getting better, slowly but surely! :) Many of you know I am a writer. I have 1 book of poetry published now /"Heat Lightning", which is on amazon.com . I am writing a second book of poetry, which I hope to have published, and am also working on a memoir, and also a different sort of non-fiction book, which will come last - that is, before my next piece of work. I'm not ready to quit yet - probably never will be. I am glad to be back. I have missed y'all, and wish everyone the best!

Comment Wall:

  • Bob Mehlick

    Hi Raelein,
    Congrats on receiving major blessing of new grandchild.
  • Robyn

    Thanks for the invite. I'm all for making new friends! :-)
  • Lilly DelValle

    Thanks for the invite I'm also looking forward to getting to know you. Have a Great day!
  • Deb

    Aloha Raelein, to our new friendship it is~
  • Ernie Sacman

    I'm still trying to find my around here. I THOUGHT I REPLIED TO YOUR COMMENTS YESTERDAY, But now, I can't find it. Maybe alien's in space ate my reply/comments. Anyway, I said something about your lucky grand daughter. Just don't spoil her too much.
  • LyndaAndLab

    Hi! I don't remember exactly, but I mentioned that we'd be sharing a lot of our past with each other and I'd really like to be friends.
    Do I pass? Is that close enough? My long-term memory is amazing - almost scary; I see colors, feel emotions, recall situations... but for a while lupus has been having a party on my brain cells that feed my immediate and short-term memories. I'm very glad to be friends! Lynda (LyndaAndLab)
  • Frenz mary

    hello Raelein,

    Thank you for the complement about me i am so much happy to be your friend, thanks for the invite... Its very nice of you.. you can be my friend too, but where did we meet i can't remember sorry just want to know


    I love to have friends from far west who are significantly modest, honest & Intelligent with craving for human value without expectation.

    Anant Dalal
  • isobell

    Feel humbled for your words. Appreciation is much need it. I like to have friends to interchange ideas and different points of view. A voracious reader and a lover of liberal arts. Relish my practice in photography these day. Will show you sometimes some of my work Raelein.
    Will love to know a bit more about you, until then,
    lots of good wishes, Isobelle
  • Balboa Tishman

    Hello Raelien,

    Yes you got it right. Zoey will be 2 in January. Her big sister Halley (will be 5 in November) was the one who chose the name on a trip to the Sesame St. theme park when my daughter was pregnant. One of the characters is named Baby Zoe, so Halley started calling my daughters bump Baby Zoe, and the name stuck. My daughter just changed the spelling to Zoey. I guess you already know Zoe is the Greek word meaning life. I am so happy for you. Grandchildren are lifes greatest.joy.
    Have fun baby sitting, I know I do.
  • Raelein MB Haley

    Thanks, Lori! What a nice welcome! A very much appreciated one, I might add. I don't know who was feeling creative on the day I was born - never did get the real story. My Mom said my Dad named me after an old girlfriend. (They weren't getting along too well, to say the least. It appears that I came into a world of conflict!) I look forward to getting to know you too, I assure you! Thanks so much, Lori! -Raelein
  • Whozzo

    Thank You for the invite & kind words... Sorry 'bout your "loaning" problem. Been there, Done that. Ha!
    I have a few loaners still out among friends and relatives. Mics, Chords, Cd's but no guitars at the moment. I've learned, those don't come back until you go retrieve them yourself. lol
    ♥Peace :)
  • Whozzo

    I sent this in a message but I couldn't tell if it was a usable link.
    Anyway, just Click Here and you'll get there.
    Enjoy!!! ;)
  • Kathie

    Hi Raelein: I don't really have a blog as yet. But if you click on the Blogs tab at the top of the window, there are a whole lot of people that have created blog posts! They will be much better examples of what you can do with a blog than I would be, because I'm pretty new to all of this social website stuff! I'm learning as I go.
  • Whozzo

    Awwwww Thanks for the kind words... Yes I did cut my hair but, it was a mistake so I'm growing it back out. NEVER AGAIN!!! lol
    BTW... Where it says "needed to fill out the night" (or something like that) is a link, click it to see some more of my antics. :)
    I play there every week now and it's allways streamed live & archived so you'll get enough of me soon. lol
  • Vernon Windsor

    Hi Raelein,
    Thanks for the invitation. Please feel free to contribute to my two discussions when you have time. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • Vernon Windsor

    Here they are Raelein,


    Membership is moderated. Usually takes me a day or two.

  • Michelle Smith

    Nice to meet you!! and Congrads!!
  • Whozzo

    I could, and will, send you MY stuff from last night but, I'm really proud of Jordan (my first student). Stay with the whole video, Please... The duet is worth the wait. (Example for you and your potential!!!!)
    See Music Art!!! I'm thinkin' good stuff!!!
  • Whozzo

    No excuses... I closed the show. Everybody was gone. I don't care, really. I go to see the next generation... They're really "getting it". I love that.
    Any-Whoooo... Click here and mind not the skips... It's an internet deflugalty. :)