Robin Wolaner


United States

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  • CelticKC


    I pray that you are holding up during this time! I want you to know how much you are appreciated and if there is anything i can do for you or staff... (even a closure meditation or time) let me know!!

    Love you ,

  • nina M

    You the best . Think you have farsight :)
    Thanks again
  • lynn

    quick thinking, to give folks a place to move to! thanks. can't be easy on you and other staff, either...
  • Sittius

    I hope ning can handle the traffic. I seem to remember they were having problems supporting a 500 member lute community...
  • Caren

    Robin, this was so kind of you to do. Thank you for everything.
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Here and accounted for, although I'm clinging to TBD until the lights go out !!! Thanks. again Robin, wise and generous to create a lifeboat environment for your stalwart crew and cast of characters! /;-D
  • Robyn

    Robin, you are an amazing woman. While we were all worrying about losing our community, you found us a new home. I hope you are doing OK through all this. It was your baby, and you nurtured it well.

    Thank you for everything. I'm glad to have met you, and delighted to keep it going! Hugz to you!!! And...kudos.
  • Jungle Lady

    Oh Robin, thank you so much for creating this for all of us lost TBD people.

  • Chez moi

    Dear Robin, thank you for finding us accomodations. It is sad to leave our lovely former home, but it's the people who make the difference. I'm glad you are with us here.
    And won't it be nice not to be the one who fields the complaints for a change?
  • duane groomes

    Now did you really think you were going to lock me out oh the house,I found your key.Thanks for the new home.Love ya!
  • Ernie Sacman

    To me, TeeBeeDee was home as the mighty "Cristina" was to Ari Onasis and Ning is the lifeboat you've provided us loyal TBDers. "THANKS" isn't enough a word to express our gratitude Robin, but I can't think of any better word so I say it anyway ... "THANK YOU ROBIN" .

    And I guess, I can say this for the rest of us THANK YOU, THANK YOU ROBIN.
  • Michael H. Bone

    Thank you for being so thoughtful and considerate in what had to be a very painful business decision.
    God bless,
  • hwatt

    Thank you Robin, for all you have done and all you continue to do!
  • Richard

    Thank you Robin...
  • Zen Elipsys

    We would follow you anywhere---can't get rid of us that easily! :))
  • lynn53

    ROBIN.........THANKYOU SO MUCH...this site is a blessing to me and I am sure to many blessings always!!!!!! love lynn53
  • donnaka

    Thank you, Robin, for thinking of us. You are very kind. :)
  • Avatar

    Hi Robin, Thank you for and thank you for creating a new home for TBD right here. Hopefully, all the groups over there are quickly recreated here.
  • Lori Thorne AKA writerprincess2

    Hi Robin!
    I was so srry to here about TBD! I'm so glad you restarted it here at Ning!
  • Kittycat

    Hi Robin, Thanks for creating this for us TBDer's.

    THANKS Robin! 700+ and counting :)
  • James Willard Waldrop

    Hi Robin. thanks for starting this site. It has been a new experience for me , and I look foward to the next one.
  • Rich L

    what happened ?
  • Hippy

    Hello its just me Hippy,
    one of your old founding members from the other TBD..
    Glad to seeyou here on ning...
    I would liketo invite you to my 2 ning sites...
    you might like them ...
    one of them you members can come and get free css themes for there page here...
    Peace ,Love <& Harmony,
    always for you,

  • Hippy

    Here is the 2 sites...Hippy...

    The Worlds! BackYard
    Hippys Themes
  • caseyjo

    I goofed up my profile somehow. I pushed some sort of remove icon and now I can't see anyone's profile pics or avatars,including my own. I deleted my account and made a new one...same me please . caseyjo......K
  • CuppaJoe

    Hi Robin,
    Good job on the transition. We at the Daily Grind still have a few wrinkles to iron out, but all things considered, it has gone smoothly. I hope Kat will still be available to help take care of issues as they arise. I think we brought about a hundred folks so far, and we are getting organized through other forms of communication to round up the strays and awols. We all want this to succeed, so if there is anything I can do to help, please PM me.
  • Gator Gal

    Hi Robin! Thanks so much for setting us up here. It's not as homey and comfy as your place but at least we won't suffer complete withdrawal (well except for biv and his kudos anyway). You're the best and I appreciate you looking after us like this! Good luck and best wishes.
  • Balboa Tishman

    Thanks Robin, realy enjoying Ning. Still setting up trying to find old friends but also making new ones.
  • ozzieowl

    Hi, and it's very nice to meet you here Robin Wolaner,
    as I was not all that active on the former site,
    and I think this will be a lot of fun, thanks for inviting me!
  • Gary Freedman

    Not bad. Not bad at all.
  • Army Mom

    Thank you so much for doing all this!! Just a question: how do I retrieve photo comments. I just can't find it. Thanks so much for all you do!!!!
  • Rowena Cherry

    Thank you very much for starting this group. :-)
  • Joe Horizon

    I'll kick off the Political/religious rants to get everyone arguing.

    I kid.
  • Sausan

    I just won't give up without a fight.

    Your site saved me, you know. I was hugely depressed when my partner died. If you heart is not in it anymore, then that's another story. But people want TeeBeeDee you continue and are willing to pay for it

  • Sausan

    Robin: at 40,830 member, how can you not? In two days we got $1000 a month. Imagine what you can do in ten days. Did you even try?
  • Deb

    Aloha Robin, just wanted to say hi~
  • Samson

    Hey Robin... Thanks for the new TeeBeeDee...
  • no1toolmkr

    haven't got out and stretched you leg's out quite yet, I see only one group you've joined have you been lurking around here much or have you been tied up with all the activity on the home site?
    the echo in the chat room is quite cool....
  • Keith J. Oldknow

    Just a quick note to Thank You for your efforts to get this alternate site up and running! I may have already sent this message before but it is worth repeating!!=) Keith O.
  • judith

    well now to get use to the new but i hope all is well and thnk you for keeping it going i do enjoy the old site but for said reasons you still managed to get a new spot...thnk you once again robin you rock...
  • Will Colbert

    Thanks Robin-grateful,and appreciate to continue and make new friendships and share on this new TBD site.
  • doreen decker

    Just wanted to be friends because I loved the old site so much.