Just Art

A place for artists and people who appreciate art to congregate, discuss art and encourage each other. This will be a thoughtful place that focuses on art as opposed to craft, but is kind and supportive of all who come for community support.

  • Julia A Knaake

    Thanks for asking me to join. I will try to contribute as much as I have the time to do as I am helping a lady whose Mom has Alzheimer and that is a lot of time for me...

    all my life I will look at something, anything and remake it into art instead of tossing it away

    just call me the Recycle Art Lady

  • radar

    ...maybe this will get me back in the mood again...

  • WS

    Glad you are here, Julia and I hope you will  get active again, radar!

  • Julia A Knaake

    It was foggy all day here in Yakima with no  sun...

    I went out and knocked the icicles off my internet dish

    and saw a frosty tree that needed its picture taken

    then I decided to jazz that tree up a bit  so now 

    I have a 

            tree saying 

                                 HI  ...I'm here

  • WS

    That is lovely, Julia, The colors are beautiful.

  • EddieDingo

    Due to lack of a moderator, this group will be closing soon.  Please join the new group  "Just Art"



  • radar

    ...the link takes me right back here...what's up?...

  • WS

    Welcome to Susan! What kind of art do you do. We have musicians, potter, painters and people who draw here.

  • WS

    Welcome to Shannon!  The group has been quiet recently - What's everyone doing?

  • Witchy Luck

    I am trying to teach myself to paint. I'm not sure that qualifies me as an artist, but maybe I can learn something here. ( former witchy from tbd)