This is a place for people to post light repartee to start off their day. Or check in at any time during the day.

This group will provide a place that friends can enjoy theirselves. Much like a coffee house or pub. 

March 2013

This group is still up I see, so will add March to the discussions and see what happens.  I miss it here.

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    Hello on a Tuesday afternoon.

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      Ruby Red Crystal

      Just had to swing by for a quiet moment. My life is spiraling out of control and I need a break. 

      Going to be a long weekend but will finally be on the next step of the journey with Ward. 
      Good thoughts and prayers appreciated.

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        For those of you who aren't in Moosie's Crossing on Facebook, and would like to see some of the old gang, please note that there is a meet-up coming up in the Gatlinburg, TN area. It'll be held August 8-11, 2013.

        They have room for more attendees, and Queen Saraka asked me to post this here on TBD.

        Although I won't be in attendance, I do know that they have a stellar lineup of, uh, characters lined up. Queen, Still Going, NASCAR Girl, Moosie, Belle 54, CWO Robbie, and the Kremises come to mind off the top of my head. And there are more! A couple of the attendees are former Eons members.

        Above is a FB link to the shenanigans. If you are not on FB, perhaps I can act as a go-between to put you together with someone who has more details.

        Last year, at about the same time in August, several of us rented a beach house in Michigan City, and I gotta say, we had a ball.

        So, give it some thought....try it, you might like it!

        Reposted from original post by Stir Young in the Forum

        or PM me and I can get you more info.
