This is a place for people to post light repartee to start off their day. Or check in at any time during the day.

This group will provide a place that friends can enjoy theirselves. Much like a coffee house or pub. 

How about being shunned or shunning another person, place or thing...

How do you feel about this?

shunning - deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening
rejection - the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"
aversionaverting - the act of turning yourself (or your gaze) away; "averting her gaze meant that she was angry"
escape - an avoidance of danger or difficulty; "that was a narrow escape"
near thing - something that barely avoids failure or disaster
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.