This is a place for people to post light repartee to start off their day. Or check in at any time during the day.

This group will provide a place that friends can enjoy theirselves. Much like a coffee house or pub. 

January 2013

Happy New Year, friends!

Here's hoping it brings you a peaceful mindset and some prosperity, too!

Do you make resolutions?  Have you ever kept any of them?  Do you have some big event coming up during the year, or are you planning a major life change?

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    I have a feeling that the group will remain up whether anyone comes in or not...will just continue on inactive

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      LiveJournal is a source of communication on a casual basis similar to this.  However there is no administrator, it's free, and far more private than FB.  I have been a member for 20 years(?) without the privacy issues FB seems to create all too often.  Check it out if you like the sound of it.  I rarely post there because the friends I have migrated to FB too.  LOL  My nick is idesignit.

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        Thalia, you're correct -- only Robbie or EddieDingo can take this group down, but a few months back when she asked me about keeping this group, when she was closing out many other inactive groups, i'd said it was worthwhile because we had a small core group who showed up daily.  that's fallen off, so i do feel obligated to notify her!