A place for artists and people who appreciate art to congregate, discuss art and encourage each other. This will be a thoughtful place that focuses on art as opposed to craft, but is kind and supportive of all who come for community support.
Welcome to our new little art group. Introduce yourself and help us form a community that will thrive and help us thrive! Describe what you do (where you are if you like - often our environment is a huge part of what we become and are) and what you might want from an art group. Post pictures of some of your work. (Click the little photo image above and upload something or link through the photo image to a picture on the web.)
I'm WS, I've been on TBD since pretty much the beginning. I am an aspiring artist who didn't have the guts to major in art in school and who has regretted it ever since. I have sat in on endless hours of University art courses and continue to do so in order to stay in practice and inspired. I work with video and sculpture, but love the most drawing and painting (and mixed media that allows me to use any combination of the activities just mentioned. I also dabble in photography and fiber arts (but I do want to keep this an art-based group.) I think crafts have a good group here called Creative Outlets, so I'd like this group to focus on art with a capital A.
My aspirations are to have a kind of Bloomsbury group that spurs each other on to ever greater work and activity, but artists are solitary people and so the social networking thing can be kind of difficult to use with such a bunch of introverts.
Here are a couple examples of my work
Dec 28, 2012
...ok...art...you got it...
...and guilty as charged...introverted...mostly a blessing...often a hindrance...
...it takes me a while to come out of my shell...most people haven't got a clue...
...careful what we wish for...aside from that, hello all...
...I'm stuck on this one...is it a case of not knowing when to stop and call it finished?...I have my thoughts...(example...the bottom foreground is a little weak)...maybe some of you could share yours?...
...old painter's saying..."if you can't handle the heat, don't put it out there"...
...translation...I'm asking for open and honest critique..."ooooo, I love it"s are kind of nice and fuzzy, but they do not satisfy the need to know how to improve it...how can I make it more appealing...
..."florida swamp" 24x36" acrylic on board...
Dec 29, 2012
I have an interest in Impressionist art from the second half of the 19 century. I hope to further my knowledge in this group.
Mar 14, 2019