This is a place for people to post light repartee to start off their day. Or check in at any time during the day.

This group will provide a place that friends can enjoy theirselves. Much like a coffee house or pub. 

December 2012

Alas,  The year is coming to an end.  Am planning (best laid plans) to visit here at least one time a day. And to make December bright in my eyes.  Love and laughter and good riddance to 2012.

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    good morning, all!  i slept like a rock, last nite, but today looks brighter.  literally, the sun is blinding bright on the snow!  i just want to go outside and soak it up, never mind how chilly it is....

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      Happy Monday New Years Eve day!  It's been dry the last few days with the full moon trying to burn it's light through the clouds.  Currently 31F and a little nippy outside with the dogs.  That would be me still in my pajamas with no coat or robe.  LOL

      I wish for everyone to have a great new year of love and happiness.  Prosperity doesn't look too likely but I will stay hopeful for us all.

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        I just have this huge feeling that 2013 is going to be the very best of the best.  I know that it will be fun to meet Lynn, and am planning on enjoying this year to the fullest.  I hope that everyone has the best day of the year...hahahahaaa...I am going to a meeting, then am going to go to a dinner tonight that is hosted every year.  Usually we go to my ex son in laws for my granddaughters bday party, tomorrow is her bday, we are not doing that this year, so imagine will come home and watch the ball drop and go to bed.

        It is a little dreary here today, the sun trying to peep through, and it looks like it is cold, cold, cold..

        Now that I am not smoking anymore, don't go out first thing to see what the weather is like, and to freeze my buns off...hehehe...

        have a good one filled with love and laughter
