TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Man, if I were going to pick the official rock song of the state of Ohio, it sure wouldn't be "Hang On, Sloopy."  It would be "Cleveland Rocks."

Or that blockbuster, "Why-oh, why-oh why-ohhhhhh... do you have to leave Ohio-oh-oh ..."

Well, I'm going to submit for the official rock song of my state - that old Beatles' favorite..."I Wanna Hold Your Gland".

Well, here we sit on the East Coast, nervously awaiting the latest hype about the "Perfect Storm II". Or, as some call it, "Frankenstorm." Oh, wait ... that's the election.



Please promise to take this storm seriously and be careful.

Last year, a lesser (?) storm blew up the coast and ended up doing major damage along the way. My moronic, younger brother, who owned a beach house in Connecticut at the time, thought it would be cool to fly there to ‘ride it out’ or some such nonsense.

 I still have the panicked text messages from him as homes near and around him were ravaged and even obliterated. Miraculously, he suffered only minor damage, while others lost everything. His street was featured on the national news.

I took the liberty of making reservations for you and your husband in Missouri for the early part of next week. You’re only responsible for transportation, room, food, and beverage – everything else is covered by Westerly.

Be careful!

Here's an update from my neck of the woods.

The County Executive issued her State of Emergency order at 4pm, closing roads to non-emergency traffic and forbidding residents from being out on the streets.  Public officials are warning of the likelihood of wide spread power outages as the storm brings heavy wind overnight. Sustained winds of 40 miles per hour are expected to occur for a 4 hour period sometime between 8 pm Monday night and 8 am Tuesday. Gusts could exceed 60 miles per hour, knocking down limbs, uprooting entire trees and taking power lines down with them.

So far, nothing major.  The winds haven't started yet.  My daughter lives in Queens and still has power although lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, and parts of Westchester County have lost power.  She keeps sending me photos of almost total darkness.


For some reason I thought you lived in the West Coast area!

This is crazy. I'm in KENTUCKY watching the outer edge of this storm pass overheard. It's windy, with some gusts, but no big deal. And just beyond Lexington (about 70 miles to the east), it's bringing freakin' snow.

Checkin' in from Joisey (actually Delaware, as I am at work this morning) ... no loss of power, nothing but high winds, rain and the occasional flickering lights scary scenario. Lots of downed trees in the 'hood and apparently 60% of Joisey is without power!

Lucky Bar M


For months now, we’ve been listening to endless opinions on who would win the recent election and why.

Now that it’s over, the diatribes continue as the pundits offer their own versions of why the Democrats won and the Republicans lost.

Now I’m not the smartest guy around and I don’t truly understand the complicated campaign efforts put forth by both sides, but this observer thinks it’s fairly obvious :

The Republicans are a bunch of big, fat, loosers.

Well darn, Mitt…I always thought one of the President’s primary functions was to find ways to improve  the quality of life for the citizens of this country, but I guess now “gifts” don’t count.

Gosh…I’m such a looser!

Got a phone call from one of the caregivers that my mother has been taken to the hospital with chest pains.  I talked to people in the ER, who didn't seem concerned, but said they were keeping her overnight because her age put her at risk for a cardiac episode.  [She's 100!  Ya think?]  They will run more tests tomorrow and keep me informed. 

So I spoke to my mother about 8:30, which is the latest she's stayed up in months.  She walked out to the ambulance, and has charmed all the ER personnel.  In other words, she is doing better than she usually does.




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