TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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I was gonna have steak but I decided to brown bag it instead.

Brown bag it??????

Good one, Sugar!!!!

Was going to have a hot dog but decided on "fish in a bag"

Not too familiar with that. I had scrambled eggs, grits and toast.

Whoa!  Tonight was the mother of all Friday night family style suppers at the greasy spoon!  Turkey, ham,  turkey gravy, ham gravy,  scalloped potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots, dressing, deviled eggs, pickles, green bean casserole, and molasses cake for dessert.  I might have left out a couple items....my brain is kinda sluggish right now.  All this for $8.00.  Oh, plus a tin of homemade fudge and cookies to take home, and a small candle also.  Bottom line, huge cheap dinner or not, these are nice people to break bread with.  I gotta go to bed now......z-z-z-z-z-z.  

Invited to dinner tonight....an annual thing with good friends.  It was pork ribs, a multi bean dish, green beans, homemade bread and blackberry pie.  YUM!


That's two nights in a row of overindulging in food.


Life is good, although it could be argued....life is short, if one eats like I eat.

Nice knowing ya...but I bet my cholesterol can beat up yours!!!

Ham, mashed potatoes, collard greens & corn muffins.
And a pear thingy for dessert... it was TeeBubbaDee's recipe, using pears instead of apples.
It was mmm...mmm...good!

I have thought about using peaches instead of the apples, but pears should work too!! ENJOY!!!!!

mmm.... peaches would be yummy! Although I wouldn't want the cinnamon w/the peaches. I will also cut the butter by about 25% on both the base & the topping next time.

George and I had steak and corn for supper.

I just finished a HUGE lunch. There will be no need for dinner tonight [burp]




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