TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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How fortuitous....! Free can make anything delicious!
Stopped by to visit my dad at the assisted living center: Sloppy Joe, mixed vegetables, potato salad, tomato juice,coffee, and a chocolate cookie for dessert. All for $3.
George and I had macaroni and cheese tonight.
Burritos tonight......Yum!!!! :=D :=D
George and I had succotash and small steaks tonight.
I had a "large" steak tonight....rib eye! My cholesterol is doomed as am I, I fear. It was on sale. :=}
Fried up a pile of fresh 'shrooms//onions. Nuked a wee potato...

I love food.....;=D
42 dollar ribeye, 42 oz Shiner Bock, Baked potato with 12 Eons in San Antonio.
I'm gonna make nachos tonight, using chicken, as a nod toward better health.
George and I had salmon, green beans and rolls tonight.
Chicken Parmesan leftover from yesterday.
Yesterday's nachos.....not very tasty yesterday, and even less so today.
But healthy, right :-))




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