TBD on Ning

   When I look outside my window in the morning (I get up in the dark) I see 

a white birch that is backlit by a street lamp. The leafs move in the breeze and

cause twinkeling. It makes every morning look like christmas.

What do you see when you wake up and look outside your window?

Views: 47

Replies to This Discussion

Lj, I'll have to look up "Black Locust" trees but it sounds like you have a wonderful

view. Have you ever posted a photo? I'd like to see it and I bet everyone else would too.

I can see the raccoons come and go through the hole in the eave screen.

Deer on the weekends in backyard, parking garage of high rise office building during the week.

The view from the breakfast room is uphill.  The view from the bedroom is down hill.

Down hill is better.




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