TBD on Ning

This is the place where you can pop in and say "hey" ONLY if you are #13 or less online here at TBD.  Sometimes the fewest voices carry the strongest message.
Pipe up and let it be known you are here....
Take a number and stand in line....
*like anyone would really know....hehe!*

What's your favorite donut or pastry...

.*that'll work too....*

Tags: cream of the crop, goes good together, less is more

Views: 6085

Replies to This Discussion

Me and six others at 8:31pm EDT


[see, I can do Math!]

 Noted and processed.

Does that add up to #9?.....just wondering...
Not in my world.
Am I starting to sound like a snarky old broad?   Really...I'm just funnin' w/ya'll..mostly.
I'm alone again.
Reply by Bob Stepp 13 minutes ago
No thanks,

I'm quite comfortable here. If this goes down I'll go with it.

Will be sorry to see it go though.

I think we're paid up through July 2012. I'll worry about it then if I have to...

I guess I'm comfortably in here tonight....11 of us at 10:34PM EDT.  I might have slipped in a little earlier, but I felt that it was important for me to watch the season finale of "Jersey Shore".

You know.....just in case some of you want to discuss it at some future time, or maybe start up a TBD group for fans.

Go ahead...what've we got to lose?   Could I learn something?

I'm ba-ack!  Three of us at 7:23 AM, EDT. 

I never check to see who the others on-line might be....I dunno, maybe its the mystery of it all that intrigues me.

I heard a rumor that the greasy spoon is opening for the season today.  I guess I could call first to find out for sure before I go there, but they have an unlisted number.  Yeah, I know,  what kind of business would have an unlisted number?  Remember, up here in my little part of The Leelanau, its a lot like "Northern Exposure's" town of Cicely.

I loved that show!


All by my lonesome at 7:49 EDT.

Too late :-)

I'm an "early bird".

I dusted and ran the vacuum. Did a load of laundry. Walked the dog. Swept outside- front and side walks. Ran to the Mall...found bras and jean that fit! In one trip!

It's now 3:25 and I'm taking a breather...




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