TBD on Ning

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Heading home from work now. . .

Home from work. . . with a headache!  LOL  


Moosie says he tried to come in here, but he is "pending" approval?  This isn't a closed group is it?

Maybe he's pending approval for membership into TBD. I didn't look to see if he was still a member.

It is evening here

Belle, glad you sister got along so well

and RC so glad about Keifer...bullying is the worst...

everyone else...hope your day was fabulous and filled with love and laughter

and am excited to see Moosie...see he has just joined TBD

OK, there ya go!

Evening everyone!  Update on sis.....I took my 2 aunts to see her tonight and when we walked into her room in ICU, she was sitting up, waiting for her dinner, and looking absolutely normal!  We couldn't get over it!  It's amazing what they do today.  She talked and laughed with us for quite a while...we decided to leave and she was disappointed but we didn't want to wear her out.  She also showed me her incision.....omg!....from under her breast, around her side, and up over her shoulder blade.  She said the pain patch they put on her was helping immensely.  Tomorrow, if she continues to do well, they will move her out of ICU.  I'm just amazed at how well this has gone.


Larry and Kitty....how exciting that Caleb and his parents have reunited.  It sounds like having him in your home was exactly what the whole family needed.  He will remember the support you gave him for the rest of his life.  Awesome.


I'm sorry I missed the thread and the blog everyone is talking about....but it reminds me exactly of what happened on MA. 


On a lighter and happier note....guess what???????

I talked with Carmen last night and she's officially on the list!!!!!  Now all she has to do is wait for the call.  I told her to have her daughter call me when that comes so I can pass along the word and begin the prayers.  Hell, I'm gonna start praying now that they call her soon! 

Oh bless you for all the good news belle! Truely amazing about your sister.
Thank you Larry!  We're all very happy it went so well for her.

belle, Sure glad to hear that your sister is doing so well. Also that Carmen is on the waiting list.

I had no idea how any of that worked until we went through the process with Pru.

It is amazing.

Also glad to hear that Moosie is now a tbd member. I had looked previously and he wasn't on my waiting for tbd membership approval list.


Thank you Robbie....it is interesting for sure.


Yay!  Moosie's in the house!  I mean.....lodge!   LOL!

Don't know if I'm really late or really early, but I'm glad to be here!

Belle, thanks for letting us know about Carmen, and about how well your sister is doing! 

Good night, all.




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