TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

Views: 1630

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Rain?  Nawwwwww!

We had a good rain this morning!  Very nice.  Now it's 78 and sunny.



I was wide awake after that cup of coffee with Terry....I wish the rain would follow me home.  

Getting ready to load the Highlander for the last leg....ready to not have to repack every morning. 

It has been an awesome trip, I have loved every minute of it, I will be ready for the next meet.


Happy Hump Day everyone.

On luch break. Been out spraying "Roundup" all morning.

Glad to see that everyone seems to have made it home safe and sound.

Moosie!  Wow, am I glad I met you.  And, um. . . well you know.  It was fun.


So. . . the work week is just about over.  The Batman film crew moved to another location, so the streets at my office are back to normal.  They sure cleaned up their mess real good.  This morning when I got to work, all the snow was gone, and the streets were cleaner than I've seen them in a long time. The Gotham City police were on the busway today, causing a bit of a traffic tie-up, again.   That, coupled with my bus breaking down (second day in a row), I'm glad to be home, even if I'm doing nothing tonight.


Survived another day of work. Waiting for it to cool down a little more before I take Happy to the dog park. I will add the 4 new people to my "MET" roster. Really had a good time. when I finely got there.

I went into the facebook maze and looked around at the MM site. Got confused. will try it again, later. (:>)

I stole your pictures and posted them over there, Robbie.  ;-P


No problem. I did see some of the pictures over there. It was a trip well worth it. I May try to get up to see you guys in late Sept.

We'll be here!






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