Got this idea for a discussion from PTB; thanks!
Do you subscribe to any magazines and care to share which ones? Here are mine:
Galaxy's Edge (hardcopy)
Lightspeed (digital)
Lady Churchills' Rosebud Wristlet (hardcopy)
Asimov's Science Fiction (hardcopy)
Analog Science Fiction (hardcopy)
Fantasy and Science Fiction (hardcopy)
As you prob. guessed, I prefer hardcopy but Lightspeed is only avail. in digital; I'm surprised the others are even still avail. in hardcopy, I expect they won't be much longer, sigh.
This is a good subject. I no longer take magazines due to having poor eyesight. I do read some on my reader occasionally.
I used to get a lot of them, then I got a computer and never opened them after that.
I used to have a subscription to Science News. I dropped it when I found i was getting behind reading it. I figured I could just keep up with current topics on the internet, but largely I don't. I check one out occasionally from the library. I really don't have any other regular subscriptions, other than my daily newspaper.
AARP, Eating Well, Smithsonian, but haven't renewed too expensive. If I wait a few months, they'll make me a deal. A friend gives me back issues of The Week and Vanity Fair.
I don't subscribe to magazines anymore. I do read some of them online and if I really need a hard copy, I can get one from the library.
Right now I only subscribe to Reader Digest on the Nook.
I'm a lifetime subscriber to Consumer Reports and I get Kiplinger's Personal Finance. I'm a lifetime member of an investment club called American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) and get daily emails from them.
Magazines take up space, I usually never take time to read them and most are filled with ads now, which I find annoying. I haven't had paid subscriptions in decades but was getting magazines annually for free as a timeshare exchange club member perk. They were Essence, Interval Travel, Architectural Digest and Ebony. For some unknown reason, I keep getting Healthwise magazine from Hackensack Meridian, an organization I've never dealt with, nor have I been to Hackensack Hospital (N.J.).
I didn't think to list my daily BookBub newsletter, but it does give me nearly every ebook title I ever read, including those I check out on Hoopla and other library loan programs. officerripley, since we have a lot of overlap in sci fi/fantasy interests, I want to suggest, if you haven't found it already, the Long List Anthology series (6 volumes of Hugo nominated short stories). My best find from BookBub.
Thanks, PTB; I will definitely check that out! (I do also subscribe to BookBub but somehow missed the info on Long List Anthol.)
Readers Digest and AARP
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