TBD on Ning


Merlot or hard cider.... Merlot or hard cider....?


Could be book or TV... book or TV....?


Shower or not... Shower or not....?


TBD or fb... TBD or fb...?




Chores or read a magazine...


Laundry or clean the kitchen...


Crossword or Sudoku...


What's for After Dinner?

Tags: Beer, Chores, Clean the Kitchen, Homework, Laundry, Scotch, TBD, TV, What's for After Dinner, Wine

Views: 219

Replies to This Discussion

sm@rt @ss.
Pounds on....pounds off.....not to worry deez, you've got nine kinds of hotness workin' for ya!

Stir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '-D

Wow!!!! .....and I thought my compliment was right on....

......Oh, and I've told I have a nice ass BTW....


*goin' back to class now*

Yeah, I know....



Stir: "Yeah, I know...."


You know that Bob has a nice @ss? Wow, I've been left outta the loop on this one. 

Bob- I think we need a pic of your @ss. And I think you have an in w/a certain photographer.

Those last two posts kinda got twisted , didn't they?

About the image of my ass.......I'm very bashful......blush easily.

blushing's fine. good for the soul.
Yeah....but I ususally lose control of my bladder when I blush.  *Was that TMI*?
Thought so....pretend you didn't see it. Wipe it from your brain...turn a deaf ear to it...
I'm trying. But all I can think of is commenting on your nice butt, then you blushing, followed by wetting yourself. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. I might cry laughing.




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