TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7174

Replies to This Discussion

There are a few parts to the procedure.

First, if the victim is coughing, that’s a good sign. It means he/she can still breathe and nothing should be done except to encourage coughing.

If the victim can no longer cough or breathe, then you should stand at their side…bend them forward  at the waist while supporting the chest area and provide 3 sharp blows between the shoulder blades.

Then raise them up- stand behind them with one of your legs between theirs ( it provides a sort of ramp to slide down if they go unconscious).

Find their belly button, make a fist, and stick your thumb joint in it. With your other hand cover your fist and  pull up and towards you very sharply to force air from the stomach to the mouth to dislodge the blockage. Do this three times.

If it doesn’t work, repeat the entire process (Back blows and abdominal thrusts) until it does…or the victim passes out. In that case call 911 immediately

I was a CPR/First Aid Instructor for the Red Cross for ten years, and yes, it does work…but not always. It depends on the situation.

I would guess that your efforts did help. You don’t have to be very strong to force the air up and out. The body will usually do the rest. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.

Good job!

By the way, if you’re alone and choking, you can throw yourself over the back of a chair to imitate the abdominal thrusts – just make sure it doesn’t have wheels.


I was doing it all wrong. Fist under the rib cage, up and in sharply. Thanks.

Hey...it worked, didn't it?

So, Bmichael, as a chef you put food into peoples' mouths and as an EMT you took it out. Pretty kool!

And on another note ... anybody been doing any actual writing lately? I'm just buried under ad copy. Earning $$$$, but buried!



Westerly just posted something a few weeks ago.


Just in case you had any doubts that there is a website for EVERYTHING on the interwebs.

Does anybody know anything about early retirement...enough to answer a few questions?

Are you talking about collecting Social Security before full retirement age?  If so, the SSA website has all that information, plus retirement calculators and other handy features.


My accountant, a few years ago, advised against taking early SS, on the grounds that you "take a permanent haircut" in benefits. His reasoning was, why not keep working now while you can (presuming good health, etc.) and build up bigger SS benefits ... as opposed to running out of money when you're older and can't work. Fortunately I like what I do (copywriting, or "bashing out trash for cash" as my brother puts it). If you hate what you do ... different story!

Permanent h-h-h-haircut? Gulp!

I’ve been dancing with this thing for a while now. It really depends on one’s situation – on one hand it can be a very good thing, while on the other, maybe not so good.

I happen to fall on the very good side (almost too good to be true which makes me very suspicious). So I’ve been looking under rocks, searching for pitfalls and horror stories.

So far, the worst thing was watching a video of Patty Duke (Remember Patty? She’s a spokesperson for Social Security - now in her sixties) as she got all teary-eyed while she actually applied online for her benefits to show us how easy it was. Well, it wasn’t – not for her. Her husband had to do most of it.

If you decide to take the plunge, I recommend calling them rather than going online. It takes a looo-ooong time to get a real human being, but once you do, they are VERY helpful. Really! Prepare to spend some time on the phone (and to give info to an annoying robot first) but they really do seem to care. A-mazing, for a government agency!

Hold on, hold on, hold on...

umm...if you didn't raise me to be this way...

...who did?

(for emergency use only)




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