TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I'm not familiar with their powers, but I would want to render myself invisible at will

you would not want to live forever

Probably not. But depending on whether I could control many factors, I'd be happy to live one shitload ツ longer than I'm going to. Classic late bloomer here (well, not in some ways. Haha!)

Would you want to live at least double the current normal lifespan if you could be in good health?


your diet is both healthy AND  delicious

(thanks for the view of Hawaii, btw; I've always wanted  to go there)

OH, you REALLY should go to Hawaii, Westerly, if it's at all possible. I'm sure it has changed enormously in 50 years, of course, but I'm certain it's still gorgeous and filled with kind, laid-back people. 

Yes, although I can't go to the store to shop for myself, I order groceries online and try to keep my diet as healthy as possible. Vegetarian  (sometimes vegan) for many years, I depend a lot on salads, stir-frys, soups, wraps, and  historically heavily vegetarian cuisines like Indian, etc. and just try to control salt.  And I'm, by all accounts, a very good cook. ツ

You have at least a zillion recipes--many of which were your mother's and grandmother's.

not quite that many, and from my husband's family - things like saffron buns and Cornish pasties. I didn't get much of that from my mom or gran; they kept to broiled steak (well done) and New England boiled dinners and stuff with cabbage and potatoes - very plain and under-spiced, in my humble opinion.

Some of the men in your life were also fine cooks, and you had fun chiming in and working together

(I'm a New Englander too, so I know from where you speak...haha. Luckily, my English/Scottish mom was a FABULOUS cook, and so was her dad. Cornish pasties and saffron buns were tea-time foods for us. Is your husband of British ancestry?)

YES!!! Draughn was a wonderful, experimental cook who felt it was important that food looks as good as it tastes. Michael, whom I lived with for 20 years, was a very serviceable cook. Such FUN to have a collaborator--a true partner. I really miss that. (BTW, is your husband still on Earth? No need to answer if that's intrusive.)

Tasks are easier, go more quickly, and are less emotionally taxing with a loving partner.

My hubby had a diverse ancestry, but boasted most over the Cornish/Welch, Scottish side. We visited Cornwall decades ago. We bought jars of preserved mussels and clams, which were plentiful. A beautiful old stone church stood near his uncle's cottage

No, I lost John over 6 years ago, after a long illness. He used to wear those tropical print cotton shirts. I gave some away, but there are some that were his favorites, I just can't give away.

Yes, to the loving partner.

Some days, it is just too quiet

I'm so sorry. John sounds like a wonderful man--I'm sure he was or you wouldn't have married him. I think you're very special. Playing these word games with you--especially "True of False" has become something to which I look forward.

I know just what you mean about some things you can't get rid of (I love that John wore Hawaiian shirts). I have old shirts of Draughn's which I wear sometimes. Sometimes I wrap the arms around me as if they were his arms. Silly, but comforting somehow. I also have a pencil mark on the door jamb at his height which I sometimes lean up against and look up into his imagined face, imagining kissing him. To people who have never really loved, these things may seem pathetic. But to me, they are just ways to get through. 

Everyday is too quiet. Aside from Draughn and Suzan, I really miss animals.  I can't drive, so I couldn't do shopping or going to the vet, and I can't really walk, so no walkies (I always walked my dogs and my cats on a leash). After I buried my last dear cat a few years ago, I realized as I walked back into the house that there would probably never be anyone waiting for me inside again. Life is a real challenge at times.

Being outside is a joy and helps you feel connected to all living things. 

yes, I've always loved outdoors. Growing up, we lived near enough to beaches to visit  often. I was transported, lying with my eyes closed and listening to the waved  crash.

You area big fan of salt water

BIG fan! LOVE swimming way out. Also, I used to surf.

You've been whale watching. (Did I ask this before? Haha.)

haven't been, no. Just didn't  seize the opportunity

you have a tank for tropical fish

No, have a spring fed stock tank for catfish and cows.

you love prune kolache




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