TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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Red One has to stay away from doing electrical work.... take note of his hair....


Hi Red
z100 loves spaghetti but will only eat it when it is in straight rows. He doesn't like it all curled around. But he will not straighten it himself.
Jack knows baseball is the number two reason for afternoon naps, golf is number one.
Jack is a Tax Evader and the IRS is looking for him.
Nice hair Red One.I used to have a do like that in 74. Red One is the IRS.Don't let him dupe you..
KBeenThere loves drive ins and once or twice actually saw a movie there.
kbeen there goes to the Mall and sits on Santa's lap & gives him a lap dance.
Beth was arrested for assault on Black Friday and just got out. But she got the door buster price.
SG drops trou whenever this walks by..can't help his excitement

Hahahahahaaaaaahnhhahhaha. Ivy and Still will hit on anything walking by, dont'cha know?




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